There were few requests in previous period to make the same thing as a year before, when I did Pulseone Sessions 37: the relaxed January mix filled with tracks that I found special in the year before. Less dark, more emotions. I must admit that I tried to do it couple of times, but I didn't like the overall atmosphere I got. Making a sequel to something is really hard, because there are few traps: either you will create something too similar or something that will be no match to the previous work.
In this set, there are two amazing remixes by Experimental Feelings, unbelievably talented producer from Barcelona, combined with new productions from the old forces like Tarkan and V-Sag, Kintar, Rick... At the end I played probably two biggest progressive classics, in brand new arrangements. The very last track is my most favorite ever, but have never played it before. When I heard brilliant Pavlin's remix, I closed my eyes and had a state close to falling asleep... I am there, falling, but aweared of the fact that I'm still awake. Incredible feeling that I had only few times before.
When I invited my friend kiDe to do a guestmix, I had some desire how this two hours should sound. At the end, it turned out better than expected, because kiDe dropped beautiful mix that followed up very nicely. He is one of the most exciting underground DJs who never disappoints. His mixes always have the right measure of deep emotions combined with flawless mixing skills.
Details Genre: Deep progressive house Date: January 2015 Length: 60:26 min Quality: 320 kbps Cue: no Archive size: 138 MB
Tracklist 01. Madonna - Erotica (Experimental Feelings Private Remix) 02. Adriatique - Space Knights (Original Mix) 03. Plagz - Darkam (Luke Warren Remix) 04. Lefteris Lappas - Feel (DJ Tarkan & V-Sag Remix) 05. Björk - Moon (Experimental Feelings Private Remix) 06. Rick Pier O'Neil - Dark Pleasure (Original Mix) 07. Kintar - The Path (Original Mix) 08. Mlab - Mentality of a Master (Alex Vidal's Formless Remix) 09. James Holden feat Julie Thompson - Nothing (Cream & Deep Fog Unofficial Remix) 10. Delerium - Silence (Pavlin Petrov Remix)